Document of quietness (part 2)


Great work on one of the bridges crossing the Seine


So I was in Paris.. + this is the second part of what I wrote there.

… I feel immersed in a city half asleep even though movement takes place. I am quiet in the awe of possibility and lack of pressure. I am quiet  trough the sitting and writing, in this in between place. The hostel room shared with eleven other women of which some have left, some are half awake like I am, and others perhaps still fully immersed in the realm of dreams.

In a way I too am immersed in the realm of dreams. This city has been in my hopes, wishes and dreams for some time. Places I want to go and things I want to find. Now I am here again after a long time of dreaming and wandering by mind, there is no rush. I am surprised by how this quiet that is so raised and fuelled by purpose, possibility and surprising new connections in the last couple of days contrasts with the online world that I took from Amsterdam to Paris.


Street art on another bridge in Paris.

It feel so clear that everything has changed yet I see no prove except for the new friendship requests and bank statements that tell me that I have already spend 120 euro in the days that I am here on a partially free trip. The quiet that I now feel is a clear choice: everything is possible in the limits of time. Between 8 and 9 all I want to do is be semi-alone in a room shared with 11 strangers writing, contemplating on the quietness of life. And of course I think about transferring all of the words that were so quietly spun from mind unto paper to the digital world where I can post this document of quietness on Lieverleesje.

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